BSSC and Sask Sailing Team Philosophy.
Blackstrap has been critical to the development of the SK Sailing and the representative Team. The lake is small so it melts earliest after our cold winters. The lake is relatively close to Saskatoon, so easy to get too. The ramp and docks plus storage area makes it easy to get boats rigged and on the water pretty fast.
BSSC Sailors who have raced in the Sunset series and have gone on to success at Western, Canadian and even International events.
Logan Campbell won 2 medals at Miami Olympic Classes, finished 2nd and 5th at the World Championships and a bronze in Rio at the Paralympics’. Stephen Huszar won the National Windsurfing Championships twice, finished 4th and 5th at the Canada Games and qualified for the National Development team. Stefan Lidington won the Canadian 23 and under’s, and the National Youths twice. He also won a bronze at the Canada Games and qualified for the National Team. Joan Markentin and Michelle Gumprich finished 2nd at the Nationals twice, won the midwinters and finished 4th at the Canada Games. Joan Qualified for the National Team 2 times.
Brad and David Grant won the Nationals and finished 4th at the Canada Games. Corey Coons finished 5th at the Canada Games and 3rd at the World Youth Qualifiers. Sydney Byrns won the National Youths and the Western Canada Summer Games. Alec Watters and Nick Langhorne finished 5th at the Canada Games. Joe Gerlinsky finished Gold and Silver at the Canada Games.
Masters Sailors at the Nationals; LP Gagnon finished 2nd Master, Lewis Oteruelo finished 3rd Apprentice, Ben Pickford finished 3rd Master and Mark Lammens finished 2nd Grand Master. Lammens finished 4th at the World Championships.
The goals are:
Have fun sailing and racing sailboats.
• Increase/maximize on water training/learning opportunities.
• Make a commitment to improving and excellence.
• Share expertise and knowledge.
• Recognize SK sailors performances
• Promote and develop the Saskatchewan racing and regatta circuit.
• Represent SK in Regional and National championships
• Develop a strong sailing infrastructure through members, clubs,
and sailing industry.